

By all accounts, 2020 has been a crazy year. We certainly didn’t see the pandemic coming. If you had asked us in the beginning of 2020 if we would be able to take a 3 month + trip at the beginning of 2021, we would have thought that was only a possibility if we had won the lottery! We have certainly been fortunate where so many others have not. We have no health concerns and have been able to manage work and school completely on-line.

Our original idea had been to take a trip, maybe just a week or two to somewhere tropical. However, as the pandemic raged on and uncertainty prevailed, we put vacation planning on hold. Eventually, the realization that we could work from anywhere (me in the contiguous United States) dawned on us. There were still travel opportunities. We could continue to enjoy our favorite activities such as biking and hiking from anywhere. We could continue to practice careful outdoor dining and see new parts of the country. The idea for our “Epic Trip” took shape.

We hope to share with you a little about how we have planned it and how it is “actually” being pulled off. We also want to share the best of each destination’s outdoor opportunities. Mostly, we want a way to remember this adventure and keep our friends and loved ones posted on our escapades. 

So now…we give you… theadventuresofadrianandcameron.com